Over the years we have seen a steady stream of data relating to global warming. One important component of climate change that does not receive it’s fair share of media time is the water shortage, or the need to provide clean drinking water to every corner of the world. There has even been discussion of identifying clean drinking water as a human right.
How can we make a difference in increasing the supply of water around the world? The first step is to conserve. Install water saving devices around your home. Another is install climate-native grasses and plants to your landscaping plan design to reduce need and curb evaporation. Ensuring that you are planting for your climate allows your landscaping to thrive without usng more water than necessary.
Another method of conservation is by diverting and storing rainwater. Excessive rainwater can be stored for non-potable use for quite some time. If we use drinking water to water plants, it seems we are using an awful lot of water processing energy to ensure the water is clean for the marigolds. A more effective method of irrrigation is diverting, collecting, and redistributing rainwater. Equipment is inexpensive and takes very little expertise to establish. Using rainwater for irrigation instead of treated water makes sense from a global citizenship point of view as well as a personal finance perspective.
<a target="_blank" href="https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07CLBWK3B?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&_encoding=UTF8&tag=mystore09dba-20&linkCode=ur2&linkId=e2614af3fa5969297516d5bbf02ee5c0&camp=1789&creative=9325">Rain Diverters</a>