
India Times

One of the most important aspects of followship and leadership is credibility. Credibility is neither awarded or won, it is earned. The formula for building credibility is through authenticity and trust. To earn the credibility of others you must be willing provide that authenticity and trust to others in advance. A word that is used […]

AN/SLQ-32 Continues to be Taught at Texas A&M.

Seems like an awful long time ago, but I served in the US Navy. Fresh out of high school, but with a little college, I decided it was time to leave the campus behind and go on an adventure. “Join the Navy and See the World!” It is the logo that caught my attention and […]

Coaching Your Team Together

ron palinkas team meeting high caliber teams

Teams are the engine of the corporate machine. They bring together diverse sets of skills to solve problems, innovate, and execute strategy. They’re also where the work experience is shaped, and where culture is experienced real time. Teams generate opportunities for newer employees to learn and help solve problems, and for more senior employees to […]

Two Leadership Trust Models

High Caliber Teams Employee Engagement Ron Palinkas

As part of my studies towards my Ph.D., I have sharpened my interest to include employee engagement in the workplace.  Trust is the foundation of almost any relationship and it certainly plays a strong role in how employees engage with each other as well as with the entire organization.  Two models of the essential characteristics […]

They Did It Again!

High Caliber Teams Susan and Bibi Birthday

I manage a group of customer support engineers located in North, Central, and South America.  The group is called Customer Connect Center and is part of Hitachi Energy.  Our team is spread out over three continents and functioning all remote and through COVID has really brought us closer as a team.  This short article is […]

Employee Engagement

engaged employee ron palinkas high caliber teams

“Research indicates that workers have three prime needs: Interesting work, recognition for doing a good job, and being let in on things that are going on in the company.” – Zig Ziglar

The Power of Hidden Teams

Gobal Employee Engagement Ron Palinkas High Caliber Teams

Two nurses. Same job; different hospitals. One provides great care for patients, the other doesn’t. Why? Jordan has worked at Stanford Health Care as a clinical nurse in the orthopedic department for the past three years. In a recent interview with us, she described how thrilled she is to be in a role whose entire purpose is […]

Dignity in the Workplace

high caliber teams office dignity ron palinkas

I have given quite a bit of thought to this topic, especially after exchanging a few words with Tomoya-san regarding Hitachi and it’s commitment to harmony.  Tomoya-san co-authored/posted an article on LinkedIn titled “Japanese Values for Better Business in the Modern Age”. He challenged me to consider how global companies can compete globally while maintaining this […]