Time for Happiness

Unhappy at Work, ron palinkas high caliber teams

Adam (real story, fake name) was a good employee who was given a plum project he believed could get him a promotion and a raise. Taking it seemed like the proverbial no-brainer: Work hard, nail the assignment, get more pay. He knew he’d have to put in long days and some hours on weekends, which meant he’d […]

Business Cards

ron palinkas hitachi energy

Very happy to receive my Hitachi Energy business cards.  

Thank You!

Thank You

There are a lot of ways to say, “Thank You.”  Why don’t we say it more often?

Kinko’s Commitments to Communication

Kinkos Kinkos OnSite Maintenance Center

Quite a few years ago, I worked for a company that supported the Kinko’s branches is southeast Florida.  Later, re-branded FedExKinko’s.  The Kinko’s organization was unique.  Each branch had its own unique personality. The branches were a combination of partnerships and franchises, but those who were part of Kinko’s or worked with them would agree […]


ron palinkas high caliber teams

I am looking forward to meeting colleagues, old and new, at our meeting in London this week.

Fofoca, Chisme, and Potins

workplace gossip ron palinkas high caliber teams

I could go on with even more terms -scuttlebut, water-cooler news, and even the rumour-mill. When does talking and sharing about ourselves and others cross the line from good-natured information to an environment that is can be defined as hurtful, bullying, and as a harmful activity that hurts one another and ourselves? To understand the […]

10 Habits of Only 1% People

Ron Palinkas High Caliber Teams

Success is something that we all want. We’ve read about it, heard about it, fantasized about it, and even watched movies about it. But how many of us are actually able to achieve success? Successful people have many things in common. They all know their strengths, they never rest on their laurels and they are […]

Nurse Found Criminally Liable

vanderbilt nurese, high caliber teams ron palinkas

A former Tennessee nurse is guilty of criminally negligent homicide in the death of a patient who was accidentally given the wrong medication, a jury found Friday. She was also found guilty of gross neglect of an impaired adult in a case that has fixed the attention of patient safety advocates and nurses’ organizations around […]

Give to Others for Yourself

the art of giving ron palinkas high caliber teams

4 Health Benefits of Giving to Others ‘Tis the season of giving. Giving to those less fortunate than yourself can have long-lasting physical and psychological benefits. Charity can boost both mental and physical health. Research shows that those who volunteer live longer and have happier lives. Charitable giving delivers a host of benefits to the […]